Epson Working to Improve Printer Flexibility


It is common knowledge that printer technology and printer ink cartridge technology has evolved significantly over the last several years. Today, printer users have many options when it comes to their choice of printing and printer cartridges. Modern printers are much faster than what they were just a few years ago. Printers can now be operated wirelessly which can also be synchronized with other computers and laptops to run automatically with no need for human interaction. In addition to printers being improved, printer ink cartridges and toner cartridges have also changed considerably from just a few short years ago. A major change that many consumers love is that today’s output is far superior to what it has been in the past. Many of the largest printer companies, including Epson, are working to improve their products even more.

Epson is launching its advanced research sources in a bid to become to the premier printer and ink cartridge vendor in the world. Their new Micro Piezo technology is just one of their new innovations that they hope will help them achieve this goal. The Micro Piezo system is a mecha-tronic inkjet technology which is already being used by many commercial and industrial sectors. It provides high-quality output at low costs and is said to have minimal impact on the environment.

This new technology is being used as well to print color filters for some types of LCD TVs, and is also being used to customize certain types of labels such as those found on wine bottles. When Epson partnered with Italian company Como, Epson was able to introduce its inkjet textile printing to the Italian fashion sector. This was seen as a major boon in the overall performance of business printing. Epson also believes that their inkjet technology will overtake various types of laser technology which are now being used in some countries such as India. Epson believes this to be the case even though laser printing is preferred by many users today. They (Epson) predict that a drastic change will take place in the printing sector during the coming years, which will cause many businesses to turn to inkjet alternatives for their printing needs. Epson suggests that its new Micro Piezo technology will be a leader in helping to make this change as the Piezo technology has several technical advantages over laser options.

According to Epson, the Micro Piezo print head is able to operate at faster speeds than those seen with laser printers for smaller print runs and jobs. The Piezo system also has the advantage of being able to print virtually immediately whereas laser printers require a time to warm up before they can be used. In a statement made by Mr Minoru Usui, president of the Seiko Epson Corporation in Japan, it was said: “We invest about 6 per cent of our annual turnover back into developing new technologies and products, and in the last three years we have more than doubled our lineup of inkjet printers, particularly in response to the needs and requests of customers in the BRIC countries.”

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