GOSH announces cartridge recycling program, partnership with The Recycling Factory


The Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children (GOSH), one of the UK’s largest and most reputable hospitals, recently announced that it was partnering with The Recycling Factory to accept donations of used cartridges, toner, and various electronic gadgets as a way to help raise money for its charity section. The proceeds from this plan (of which The Recycling Factory is donating 100%) helps to construct new facilities and provide care for children with various diseases. Funds are also used for the research of new techniques to fight diseases and otherwise aid the people who are least able to protect themselves.

recycling plant uk

Recycling factory in the UK

Within the UK, The Recycling Factory helps individuals and businesses by providing collection services, including mail envelopes and collection services for businesses or individuals donating in large amounts. In fact, if you regularly order larger amounts of cartridges from TomatoInk and operate in the UK, you probably qualify for some of the services that The Recycling Factory is willing to provide. This means that even high consumption of ink can wind up helping others when you’re through, rather than just heaping the cartridges into a landfill and trying to forget about them.

This new effort from GOSH applies primarily to the United Kingdom, but it’s far from the only charity in the world that accepts donations of used cartridges. In fact, donating to charity might even be easier for your company because with the kind of discounts that TomatoInk supplies, it’s often less expensive to just get replacement cartridges than it is to go out, buy some ink, and refill the cartridges manually. Exact prices may vary depending on the cartridges and models being filled, of course.

In the end, any company that uses printers is going to go through cartridges and ultimately you’re going to have to dispose of them somehow. Charitable donations make for a remarkably positive way to do this, simultaneously reducing the amount of material going into landfills, getting rid of something you don’t need, and supporting an operation that works to make some sort of positive difference in the world.

source: stedwards.edu

source: stedwards.edu

Not every area has a charity ready and waiting, though. If you can’t find anyone willing to accept the cartridges (that you’d like to donate to), you might want to consider encouraging a group to create one. Charities that support children or provide disaster relief are generally positive and non-partisan, even allowing for a little advertising and relationship-building with a community through announcements of the business’ support. If your company would prefer to support others, however, political campaigns and more specialized groups may also be interested in accepting the donations. In the end, which causes your company chooses to support are up to you, but most of them will be very grateful for the assistance that your company will be able to provide. In fact, there are so many advantages that it’s almost harder to wonder why your company wouldn’t want to donate the cartridges.

Whether it’s to GOSH or anyone else, donating your used ink cartridges to charity is a consideration worth a bit of your time.

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