How To Refill Your Inkjet Cartridges


If your printer is producing faded text or images, or if it is not producing anything at all, you may need to fill your inkjet cartridges. This is not as complex as some people make it out to be. It is also a great way to save money on many brands of cartridges.Generally speaking, the task is simple: you want to add new ink to the cartridge. This ink is most often purchased as a separate kit and contains the tools you will need to perform the job. It should be noted that many brands of printers do not recommend that inkjet cartridges be refilled by owners. You will have to decide if you want to try this or not.

office printer

Printer image from

To refill your inkjet cartridge, follow these easy steps or following the instructions that came with the kit:

First, you will need to get the proper refill kit. The kit has to be compatible with your printer and the specific type of inkjet cartridge you want to fill. Avoid buying those “one size fits all” kits as these have been known to be less than desirable when it comes to ease of use and good quality results. You can find suitable refill kits online by doing a simple search.

Once you have the right kit, simply insert the empty ink cartridge into the refill clip that is generally a part of the refill kit. Make sure you press the cartridge all the way into the clip so that it holds firmly. Also, make sure the ink dispenser spout that is located at the bottom of the cartridge is pointed towards the small rubber hole located on the bottom of the clip.

Now, you can remove the small patch that is over the refill hole located on the empty inkjet cartridge. If you are not sure where this is, read the instructions as they normally show an illustration.

At this time, you need to find the same color ink that is in the cartridge (be careful with this part as it is easy to make a mistake here). You now insert the ink syringe needle through the refill hole of the empty inkjet cartridge and begin to carefully inject the ink into the empty cartridge. It is always best to do this part slowly to avoid overfilling.

When the container is full, remove the needle and carefully seal the refill hole with little plug that should be inside the kit. Clean up any ink that may have spilled before you put the cartridge back into your printer. Once installed, make sure you run the printer head cleaning function by following the printer manufacturer instructions.

printer cartridges discount

Another way to get high-quality inkjet cartridges at low cost is to simply buy refurbished cartridges from online supply stores. This is often the best method for getting “like-new” cartridges that are already filled with ink, tested, and delivered to your door. No fuss, no mess. Just make sure you order the right inkjet cartridge for your printer and then install according to instructions.

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