How You Can Help Stop Deforestation


We hear a lot of news about the depletion of the Brazilian rainforests. Amazon deforestation is certainly a huge concern considering how much forest area has been cut. But there are many other areas in the world where deforestation is a problem, including here in the United States.

Amazon deforestation

As of March 4, 2016, the following countries had the highest deforestation in the world.

Deforest RankCountryForest Area Cut(in Hectares)
3Russian Federation532,200
5Papua New Guinea250,200
7United States of America215,200

Aside from the obvious fact that we depend on trees for own survival, deforestation often destroys numerous native plants and animals. This destruction can lead to more diseases. So what are some simple steps you can take to reduce deforestation?

Sustainable Efforts to Curb Deforestation

Buy Recycled Printer Paper and Paper Products

You can easily find high-quality, eco-friendly printer paper at your local big box store. Many stores sell both recycled white multipurpose paper and recycled colored paper. Look for paper that says 100% recycled post-consumer paper. This type of paper doesn’t use virgin material, thereby reducing land use and saving trees.

Are you constantly cleaning up messes with paper towels? Then swap your regular paper towels, napkins, and toilet paper for recycled ones. Most grocery stores and supermarkets now stock recycled paper goods from Seventh Generation, Green Forest, and other companies. These environmentally friendly options are just as effective as the regular brands.

Purchase FSC-Certified Products

Looking to buy a new dining room table or renovate your home? Check out the non-profit Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) to see if your wood is certified. The FSC establishes standards for companies to practice responsible forest management.

Eat Less Meat, Palm Oil, and Soy

Many of us like to eat a good juicy steak, but cattle heavily contribute to deforestation. According to Greenpeace, livestock production controls 75% of agricultural land. In 2013, the World Resources Institute stated that cattle enterprises were responsible for up to 80% of Amazon deforestation.

Farmers also clear extensive land for certain crops, such as soy and oil palms. Although it might be easy to avoid meat and dairy, you’d be surprised at how many food products contain soy and palm oil. Cereals, crackers, breaded food, imitation dairy, infant formula, sauces, and soups often contain soy, particularly soy lecithin, soy protein additives, and soy isolate. The most widely consumed vegetable oil on the planet is palm oil. Packaged foods use a large amount of this oil. Instant noodles, ice cream, margarine, chocolate, and cookies are top offenders.

By reducing our consumption of these foods, we can limit deforestation and send a message to companies that sustainable agribusiness is the right way forward.

Shop at

Finally, stock up on remanufactured printer cartridges at These kinds of ink and toner cartridges require far fewer resources, including oil, rubber, plastic, steel, and aluminum, than an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) cartridge. An OEM cartridge also takes 450 to 1,000 years to decompose in a landfill.

What’s more is that TomatoInk goes beyond offering these eco-friendly ink and toner options through its partnership with the non-profit OneTreePlanted. For every purchase you make, OneTreePlanted plants a tree in the United States or Amazon. You can take an active stance against rampant deforestation just by shopping at TomatoInk.

Are there any other simple green products you can think of that will cut down on deforestation? Comment below or let us know on Facebook and Twitter.

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