Anyone who knows about commercial inks knows about a company called INX - they are part of the Sakata INX company, which has over a billion dollars of business a year and 25 plants in the US and Canada, as well as 50 others locations spread across four continents.They are among the top three ink providers in the US, and are the only company to focus only on ink formulations for printing, from basic chemistries of the formulations to the finished product. INX MAKES BIG STRIDES IN ECO FRIENDLY PRODUCTS

It is for this reason that it is good to pay attention to what they are doing, and they are placing a larger and larger emphasis on environmentally friendly ink systems and services, especially as it concerns digital printing operations. This includes inkjet and printer ink cartridges. More and more commercial applications are switching to digital machines as well, which we have discussed here previously. The digital commercial market is growing faster than experts would have deemed possible even 5 years ago, and ecologically sound practices are becoming a better and better sales point. evenesis

At the SGIA show (Specialty Graphic Imaging Association) in October they released their new digital formulations, the line of Triangle EDX and JVV inks. Said Ken Kisner, President of INX Digital International: SGIA logo image

“Without a doubt, we experienced our best response to a North American show in the last five years. We spoke with many new and familiar people from throughout the U.S. as well as Latin America.”

EDX was the first major company to offer color and chemically compatible ECO products for the alternative market which is looking ecologically sound products, and they are generally lower in cost to the OEM products available. As ecological concerns continue to grow and recycling becomes a more viable and cost saving way of doing business, the compatible and remanufactured ink cartridge and toner cartridge suppliers will undoubtedly be taking a closer look at what INX is doing in this expanding market.


INX has worked tirelessly to produce the EDX and JVV series inks; both lines offer fast drying times, low odor and new color profiles which are compatible with the expanded colors that the newest printers are using (generally five to seven colors instead of the general norm, which is three to four colors).

The JVV series is a true solvent based inkjet ink which is a fast drying, UV light resistant pigment which is compatible with OEM inks, and offer excellent adhesion to many different substrates. These formulations will influence the remanufactured and compatible ink industries, and help the entire industry to develop and switch to more ecologically sound platforms as they move forward.

It is becoming more and more apparent that across the board manufacturing will have to start using our natural resources in a more thoughtful ways, and the ink cartridge industry is no different. INX is helping to usher in a new paradigm that will help keep costs lower, especially as raw materials prices continue to increase; this makes recycling of material a greater and more important part of the ink formulations process, both from OEM manufacturers as well as compatible and remanufactured ink sellers.

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