Is Splitting By Device Your Google Advertising Campaigns a Good Idea?
It is no secret that as more devices come out more focused attention will have to be paid to them in terms of using Google advertising campaigns. Just a few years ago, this was not the case. A well-developed ad campaign was able to pull its weight and often brought in good results. Today, that has changed.
In a new research report that was recently released it was said there is an increasing difference being noticed between the online behavior of those who shop via their tablet or smartphone and those who shop via their laptop or desktop computer. A major finding in the study was that tablet use for online searching and shopping in increasing fast. This could mean that companies will need to invest in device-specific advertising.
So what does this mean to the online company that wants to advertise to the most people possible? It means a lot. To begin, it means that most companies that advertise online and want to reach those who are using their smartphones more than they are using their PC’s a requirement to create brand new ad campaigns that are developed using the specific code that smartphones will accept. The old coding that works on PC’s will not work on phones. Also, while most tablets will be able to read most ads, there will be glitches along the way with some ads. Keep in mind that the new smartphone may be smart, but it is still small and that small screen has limitations that advertisers will have to address if they want to reach these consumers.
source: intelligent positioning
It was also reported that while smartphone use (in terms of ad clicks) did increase, it did not come close to meeting what tablets were able to achieve. In fact, tablet performance in terms of ad clicks is still increasing while phone clicks have pretty much stabilized. Both, however, are still behind desktop and laptop results, but (and this is the point) that may be changing and changing in a very big way. Some experts suggest that tablets will gain the market share of clicks within the next few years. This suggestion is enhanced as tablet makers begin to produce larger screens in more robust devices.
It is also interesting to note that many users of Google adwords for products listing are seeing a decrease in their cost per click bill. This may be due to several online companies moving out of the adwords market altogether. There is some speculation that companies that did not fully understand how to implement an effective adwords campaign simply ran out of budget money and have since stopped using Google. This resulted in a less competitive bidding atmosphere for a variety of keywords, which, of course, means lower costs.
In any event, those who want to stay in front of the masses in terms of their online ad campaigns may want to look deeper into splitting their campaigns so that they have ads that will reach all types of devices, including smartphones. Remember, this will involve fundamental changes to the ad layout and as such is something advertisers may need to look into well in advance.
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