Recycling DIY Projects: Fresh Ideas for Your Old Stuff


For most of us, saving a buck is top priority. Recycling DIY projects are great ways to save money—making something from products you already own usually costs a lot less than buying a new item. And as a bonus, recycling DIY projects help the environment by repurposing old items or waste.

Easy Recycling DIY Projects

Here are a few from Country Living, Craftionary, and FaveCrafts that caught our eyes. Most of these projects are easy to produce and require minimal materials.

Eyeglass Case from a Necktie

Take an old tie, and with several cuts and stitches, you can create the perfect space for your reading glasses or sunglasses. The glasses nestle in the softer side of the tie material, preventing any scratches on your glasses.

Wall Art from Cloth Sacks and CDs

For this project, you can use plain or printed fabric, such as old flour sacks. If using plain fabric, dress it up with embroidery or fabric paint. You then wrap and secure the fabric around a blank canvas board. Fasten hardware to the back of the board, and you’re ready to hang your art.

Another ingenious wall art DIY project involves your old plastic CD cases, many of which are not recyclable. After completing some simple Photoshop tasks, you can print your favorite photos on to photo paper, and in a few easy steps, your art will be prepared to mount on the wall.

Chairs from Maps and More

Do you have a chair that’s looking a bit too weathered to have around the house? Don’t throw it out! There are many ways to repurpose that beat up chair. One fun idea is to decoupage maps on the chair using an adhesive. Taking a little precaution, you can also splatter bleach on an old upholstered chair for an avant-garde look. A timeworn wood chair requires nothing more than some sanding and stain to look new again.

Magnetic Board from Frames

Create a magnetic message board from a used frame. All you need is zinc-coated steel and fabric to cover the steel. You can then start sticking your magnets.

Seed Planters from Paper Rolls

In this DIY project, you start with two inches of cardboard toilet or paper towel rolls. Assemble them upright in a large, flat container and add organic potting soil. Then sprinkle your seeds on top, cover them with a small amount of soil, and add water.

Potholders, Mittens, and Yarn from Sweaters

Worn out sweaters can become potholders or mittens. You can also take apart the sweater and use the yarn for a new project. Generally, you can get four or more balls of yarn from a sweater.

What are your ideas for recycling DIY projects? Let us know below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest.

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