The Way to Tell If You Are Getting the Best Remanufactured and Compatible Ink Cartridges!


**Have They Done The Work In Research And Manufacturing That Makes Their Items As Good As OEM?**It is easy to save money on ink and printer cartridges, but take the time to make sure your photo prints will look as good as those that first came out of your Canon printer. A reputable inkjet cartridge supplier will have taken the time, done the research, and made sure their manufacturing facilities are up to date and that they deliver the goods when it comes time to do the actual printing. With modern manufacturing techniques it is possible to get a cartridge that performs as well as the OEM cartridge in every way, but that is not how all companies design their products.
recycleLook around on the website - are the cartridges that fit your cartridge easy to find? Do the cartridges ship from the US? And most of all, is the customer service easy to get a hold of and do they have all the answers you need? Don’t be shy about calling the supplier you are looking at. The customer service and how well the website is put together, as well as how long they have been in business, will be an excellent indicator of whether or not they take the quality control of their cartridges seriously.

Researching the Field

With just a bit of research you can find some things which may point out the quality of the products you are thinking of ordering. One of the most important things to look for is what other customers have said about them. A good company will not be shy about sharing this, and they will go out of their way to talk about the remanufacturing and manufacturing steps and processes they take to make sure you will be satisfied once you start printing with your cartridges.

With modern manufacturing techniques, the cartridge should be an exact mechanical copy of the OEM equipment, but just as important is the care with which they have taken to make the different ink formulations which are on the market today. If the ink quality is not there, the print quality will not be there either.

A good example is whether your Canon BCI-21C Compatible Color Inkjet Cartridge is shipped within 24 hours, and how it fits into your Canon printer once it gets there. It should fit into your printer with the same precision as the OEM cartridges, and should produce prints that are every bit as crisp, clear and brilliant as you are used to.
canon BCI-21c
What to Check For In Your Ink Supplier

Fast shipping, good customer service and the fact that the supplier concentrates solely on the ink cartridge and laser toner cartridge products are all excellent signs that you are dealing with a company that takes your satisfaction importantly, but the warranty is also extremely important. It should be in plain language and easy to understand and act on, and most importantly it should be long enough to be useful - at least six months, but a year warranty is best when dealing with ink cartridges and laser toner cartridges.

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You can save good money and get great results from remanufactured and compatible ink cartridges; when it comes time to reorder your Canon ink cartridges, don’t waste money of the overpriced OEM cartridges when you can get the same great results from a dedicated compatible cartridge manufacturer.